How To Remove A Thorn In The Throat With A Safe And Easy

How to remove a thorn in the throat is important because many people are known to often swallow thorns was accidental while eating. A thorn in the throat that concerns this will usually cause pain and no doubt very annoying at the same time annoying. Surely almost anyone has ever experienced this moment children and when fully grown.

As we know that fish actually has a lot of content of vitamins and minerals that are good for the human body. Even the content of the fish can be beneficial to maintaining the health of the heart and brain and also is a good source of protein for muscle. Unfortunately indeed in consume fish, are often the cause of thorn sucks that make someone reluctant to eat fish.

Ketulangan or people who accidentally swallows thorns or bonefish is indeed simple, though other than pain can also be a dangerous thing if the wrong handle it. Indeed, there are actually a few bones or fish spines that can own is slowly crumbling, but unfortunately not all kinds of fish. There is a kind of fish that if it comes in the throat will hang in there for a long time and slowly cause irritation in the throat if not eliminated.

Thus, the spines of the fish ingested and snagged on the tongue or epiglottis should not be left too long the caught on there so as not to make bad things happen to the throat. Please note that due to the danger of concerning it fishbone in the throat can cause infection due to JAB spines and if left unchecked could continue to give rise to complications such as abscess rhitoparingeal illnesses are certainly dangerous.

Therefore removing the thorns from the throat is very important before the dangerous things happen. How to remove a thorn in the throat itself there are myriad, for example, a lot of drinking or even if it can be immediately brought to a doctor or health worker. But if brought to a doctor is not possible and drinking water white thorns never lost, there are several other ways that can be done.

How to remove a thorn in the throat with a safe and easy

Ways of eliminating Burr here is very simple and easy to do. Of course, the thing that must be understood is that thorn stuck it should be eliminated no matter how-how. This is because the thorns are also considered foreign bodies by the immune system of the body that if ignored could certainly be an infection. For more details on how to remove the thorns, check out the following reviews.

·         Do Not Wear A Hand

Indeed when a thorn stuck in the throat due to ingested, fishbone should be eliminated no matter how-how. But the thing to remember does not ever try to take fish by hand. This is due to taking the thorns by hand thus at risk of injury to the esophagus can occur even infection. What's also not assured of clean hands on the side of safety.

·         Drinking Salt Water

How to remove a thorn in the throat of the next IE to use the warm water mixed salt. Usually, if the thorns ingested small, then it will be instantly washed away by salt water into the digestive tract. For how to use it i.e. by mixing warm water and salt and then use it to gargle and swallow a little at the base of the throat. In this way usually, spines of the fish will escape from the throat.

·         A cough

Next, the easy way to do is to try to cough. With a reflux cough that does sometimes also can help a person to make the spines of fish out of the throat set him up when accidentally ingested.

·         Swallow Sekepal Rice Without Chewed

The next way that can be done to remove the Burr from the throat is to swallow the several rice without chew first. How this is actually quite common already known and done by the community.

Here's how to make rice and then shape it round in a fist and swallowing. It could be followed by a drink of water to encourage the rice goes into the digestive tract. But keep in mind that rice made the fist should be not too large. This is because at risk make the choke.

·         Eat Bananas

In addition to rice, to drive the spikes to go into the digestive tract can also use bananas. How else is the same, namely taking chunks of banana fruit that is large enough, though certainly the size somewhat unnoticed so as not to choke, and without direct banana swallowing to stop eating it?

A sticky texture of banana fruit sometimes can make spines joined get carried away to the digestive tract and disappeared from the throat. To make it easier and to avoid choking can also by providing drinking water that will be used after ingesting bananas.

·         Swallow Marshmallow

Next meal in addition to bananas and rice, can also use a marshmallow. This is because the marshmallow has a texture that is quite thick and has a chewy texture. With both the nature of that then when eat it becomes sticky saliva and is expected to be able to bring a thorn that stuck as it passes through the throat.

For the marshmallows to make it easier in use it can be chewed first though admittedly it's not too soft so that the maximum benefits and effects. Thereby, thorn would be compelled to Cena and missing from the throat.

·         Using Olive Oil

How to remove a thorn in the throat of the next IE to use olive oil. This is due to the olive oil can lubricate the throat and esophagus so that bone or fish spines can be softened and loose. Usage that is by mixing warm water with olive oil before you drink it.  then drink.  Olive oil allows

·         Consult A Doctor

If all else has done but no results, then the last step is to check it out to the nearest doctor or health worker. This is because the bones of the fish should be taken to avoid harmful things that could have happened. This should be done as soon as possible without the need to wait for the presence of swelling in the throat area.

While doctors typically failed if missing spines in the throat then it will do x-rays. It could also ask you do with a laryngoscope or if severe could also have to do a CT scan to endoscopy. This aims to avoid more severe damage occurs if the thorns or bone up not well taken.

How To Prevent Swallows Thorns Accidentally

In order to make it dangerous is happening because of swallowing a bone does not happen, surely there are some things that can be done. These things are aimed to prevent the thorns ingested. The trick can be done since the processing of fish or even as eating fish. For more details, check out the following reviews.

·         Choose the fish with a little number of Thorns

As we know that there are various types of fish. Therefore to avoid swallowing the thorns can be disparate by avoiding fish that have many spines.

·         Throw All The Thorns Before Eating Fish

The second way to avoid the risk of swallowing the thorns IE first by removing all the thorns on the fish before eating it. Perhaps it looks troublesome but certainly more secure. Especially if the fish are eaten have lots of thorns like banding. In addition, it could also throw it away with the spines to chew was completely destroyed.

·         Cooking Fish With Presto

The next way is to cultivate fish use presto. In this way then the Burr became soft and certainly safer consumed so avoid the risk of concerning it bone or a thorn in the throat. So a few things to tone done. Of course how to eliminate a thorn in the throat so that it does not happen or even other bad things.

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