Normally, people urinate in
four to eight times per day. Therefore, urinating too often, in addition, to
interfere with activity and rest can also be the things that are not normally
or because of disease. Therefore, how to cope with the frequent urination that
is easily done at home should know to minimize disruption in the event of
interference which often also called by the name ' sounds like ' this.
Indeed urinating frequently do
not always indicate it is abnormal disorders or diseases. Reasonable in
frequency urination can also occur due to a normal response after drinking too
much or because of consuming certain foods. For the symptoms often urinate too
often itself there are two sorts of i.e. urination without pain, and frequent
urination is also accompanied by pain.
For frequent urination
accompanied by pain, this could be a sign of a urinary tract infection or UTI
to look out for. If it is necessary, can even be promptly sent to the nearest
doctor or health worker. As for the reason in frequency urination without pain,
though not necessarily a disease but certainly keep disrupting life. Especially
if frequent urination it occurs at night that makes the rest of a person's
being disturbed.
To Cope With Frequent Urination Itself At Home Easily
To overcome the reasonable in
frequency urination previously should be understood first causes occurrence of
this disorder. Reasonable in frequency urination it could happen due to
diseases such as UTI, diseases of blood sugar or diabetes, or the presence of
prostate enlargement or hypertrophy. Besides, it can also happen due to
drinking a lot, or consume food and drinks that contain high diuretic
properties such as coffee, alcoholic beverages, and more, or it could be
because it was deliberately taking the drug is diuretic.
By understanding the causes of
the occurrence of frequent urination, then how to resolve properly can be found
so that sounds like someone be stopped. After sounds like a person could then
have stopped and rested with the normal pattern of urinating because of his
childhood is also back to normal. For more details, here are somehow to stop
frequent urination can be done very easily.
Water properly
Whitewater is indeed good for
health. However, excessive drinking also certainly is not good because it could
make someone be reasonable in frequency urination. Preferably, drink plain
water was approximately six to eight glasses per day. Which if drinks are drunk
the amount too little or less also certainly is not good because it can lead to
dehydration. Read also: the danger is less drinking plain water.
How to drink it, preferably
not directly once drank in large quantities but a little bit. It would be
better if the drinking water is warm because it's good for health. Drink cold
water with ice or from the refrigerator will be able to lower the body's
stamina, can even cause pain flu and cold.
Choose your intake of
beverages and Foods with caution
The activities of urinating or
defecating must have greatly influenced with drinks and food consumed.
Therefore, the type of beverage and food consumed should also note. If you
don't want to experience the urinating too often, should avoid beverages
containing soda, coffee, tea or an aperitif. This is because it is diuretic
properties are quite high.
In addition, if don't want to
urinate can also be reasonable in frequency by avoiding foods that are spicy
and sour. This is because these foods make the presence of irritation in the bladder.
Examples of foods that should be avoided such as orange, pineapple, tomatoes
and more. In addition, so that is not the case sounds like a good idea before
bed someone had stopped eating and drinking two hours earlier.
How to cope with the frequent
urination that is easy to familiarize yourself with the next TUB regularly.
This is because with urinating regularly then the bacteria in the urinary tract
will be expelled naturally. Please note that holding pee will make rapidly growing
bacteria can become infectious and certainly will be a pest in urination.
Tight Clothing
Tight clothing, especially for
the part of the organs of the urinal will create an atmosphere that is warm and
humid. The atmosphere is very popular as a place of living bacteria that can
trigger the onset of UTI and sounds like. Because that's not going on frequent
urination should avoid this one type of clothing.
For pants that used to protect
the organs should lose a urinal made from breathable cotton that has properties
or has a good air circulation. Thus, moisture will not be redundant and
certainly healthy.
The recommended effective ways
for health workers to cope with a reasonable in frequency urination with kegel
exercises. How this exercise could be sitting in the position of kneeling and
tightening the pelvic muscles and muscle pulls on the third count. After that,
holding the position for three counts before it was excellent.
For kegel, it can also be done
in addition while sitting IE while laying down, stand, or walk. This effective
way to strengthen pelvic muscles so control against the urinal tract is getting
How to cope with the frequent
urination that is easy to consume the next yogurt. This is due to the fresh
yogurt has antibacterial properties so that it can prevent and fight bacteria
and germs of evil in the urinary tract. Eating yogurt on a daily basis then it
will help prevent as well as treat the symptoms of frequent urination.
Cranberry Juice
In addition to yogurt, food
that has anti-bacterial properties that is cranberry. With fresh cranberry
juice drink each day then the infections of the urinary tract will also be
countered by the content of the juice on this one. Even the results of the
research show that the juice or cranberry pills will make women affected by
urinary tract infections are healed.
a mixture of Basil and Honey
In addition to the cranberry,
how to treat the symptoms of frequent urination can also use the juice of Basil
and honey. These two ingredients have content which can also to destroy germs
and bacteria the cause of UTI, so pee went back to normal.
The Sesame Seeds
The next food ingredients that
can relieve disorders urinal i.e. sesame seeds. This is because sesame seeds
have lots of content of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. So with
their subjects that diverse, sesame seeds into a very nice to overcome sounds
like or reasonable in frequency urination.
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